
Meshing around with Meshtastic

Meshtastic is "An open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices". The network supports text-based messaging and also sensor date from things such as temperature and humidity sensors, and GPS trackers/receivers. The frequency band used by Meshtastic is licence-free so there's no significant barrier to entry.

Meshtastic hardware comes in the form of low-cost kits, generally based on the ESP32 or the low-power Nordic nRF52850 microcontroller. With the right kit, you can make desktop, handheld or outdoor, solar-powered Meshtastic nodes. You can buy a case, or 3D print your own.

Having made up your radio/node you can start chatting to family, friends and like-minded technical people, both locally and often at some distance, using the open channel or your own private one. Here's the current state of the Meshtastic Mesh in my region:


As well as the interest of regional messaging without the use of a telephone network or the Internet, building and setting up Meshtastic devices is an ideal STEM group activity.

Here's one I was making earlier:

 Initial Placement


Beelink BT3 Pro – Windows re-installation and fixing wifi

This is a 2018 blog post from an old platform. Very occasionally, someone comes across it & it fixes their system and they are eternally grateful! I'm putting the article here to preserve it.

The Beelink BT3 pro is a cute-looking miniature computer running Windows 10 Home Edition – I use them for running information displays in conjunction with Xibo (, an Open Source digital Signage application.

These boxes are great…right up until when a Windows update goes wrong and they trash themselves! Reinstalling Windows on the BT3 pro requires a very specific set of drivers, and Beelink very kindly puts a set on the Mega download site…which you can’t then download (without paying or selling your soul) as they exceed the free data allowance!

To cap it all, if/when you do get hold of the drivers and reinstall them, everything works EXCEPT wifi, which will fail to start.

Here’s a few tips to save you a day or so of swearing…

  • As soon as you get a Beelink BT3 pro box, use the free app Double Driver ( to backup your drivers.
  • Use Belarc Advisor ( to take an inventory of your machine setup and – very importantly – your Windows serial number. Copy and paste the reported info into a text file and keep it safe; this *may* help with re-installation and avoid you needing to try and interface with Beelink’s dismal ‘support’ services.
  • Take a copy of the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\4345r6nvram.txt


Here’s a ZIPped (237MB) copy of the drivers and the wifi txt file from one of my Beelink BT3 Pro systems (Windows 10 64-bit Home) – it’s provided ‘as is’ so don’t blame me if it breaks things (although if you have a Beelink without working drivers, things could hardly be worse):

CRC-32: dbfbf73e
MD4: c47f222cbdcee59a5e0f8437da33b98c
MD5: 42f76d657847b87807f3b0f1f85cafad
SHA-1: bd32498c6e78f8a16c16109e1fa8c762b5db1bd6

Fixing wifi on a Beelink BT3 Pro

If  you need to reinstall your wifi drivers, putting C:\Windows\System32\drivers\4345r6nvram.txt back in place and restarting windows will actually make your wifi work again!!!

You’re welcome!


A replacement sound chip for the Commodore 64. You must be SIDding!

This is a replacement board assembly for the SID (Sound Interface Device - it was the noisemaker) chip in the Commodore 64 and 128 computers.

The original SID chips are not the most robust of integrated circuits, and in this C64, it faded away until it could barely be heard. Replacement, original chips are becoming hard to find and they tend to be quite expensive, plus there's always the risk that they will be ageing badly too.

A SID sound chip

Good old SID
(1987 vintage from the date code)

Over the years various microcontroller-based replacements have been developed. The SIDKickPico, by Frenetic, is the new SID on the block. It's based on the Raspberry Pi Pico board attached to a carrier PCB with some interface logic. Assembling a completed unit is fairly straightforward, and for this project I have been assisting with code testing, notably for the analogue joystick/paddle logic.

SIDKick Assembly

SIDKick Assembly in Commodore 64

SIDKick Setup Menu

Project details are here:


Retro electronics - RGBS to Composite video conversion

I decided I wanted to have a go at interfacing some of my retro kit to a Teletext (Ceefax) adapter and found "The Teletext Experimenter’s Board" by Oddbloke Geek. This board uses the SAA5246AP Teletext processing chip, so I bought a couple of those and am planning to build my own circuit. One addition I want to make is a composite output; the 5246 only outputs RGBS.

There's a number of classic converter chips from the 80s and 90s; parts such as the AD723, AD724, CXA2075M and MB3516A. All these chips are still available, although the AD72x ones are getting relatively expensive. 

While searching for options, I came across this reversing camera CAN bus module on AliExpress - it's an RGB to composite converter, and works out at £11 shipped, so I bought one.

Inside is a neat RGBS-to-Composite (NTSC) converter board, which I will remove and repurpose, plus there's the bonus of a project box + connectors for something later! This board uses yet another different chip - the KA2198BD. This chip and the CXA2075M and MB3516A are broadly pin compatible and interchangeable.

I've yet to hook up the board, but it looks like it will do the trick, and will save some time sourcing individual components and building a circuit.

Now I just need to find the time to work on the teletext portion, and then see how to hook it up to something such as a Raspberry Pi or retro computer.

RGB to Composite converter module from AliExpress RGB to Composite converter module from AliExpress - opened

RGB to Composite converter module from AliExpress - close up of circuit board


The Multicomper

The Multicomper is a motherboard for the EP2C5T144C8N Cyclone II FPGA dev board, modelled on the "Multicomp" functional computer design spec by Grant Searle.

Grant has written up the circuit design notes together with the instructions to turn it into one of a number of computer emulations, including the original UK101, but there was no accompanying PCB design. A few others have designed "Multicomp" baords, and here's mine!

Multicomp PCB

Full notes and more images can be found at:

Oh, hello

I don't blog much,. but when I do it'll be here!



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